There are many differences regarding the values and beliefs of the Democratic and Republican parties. Everyone has different opinions about the political parties.
I am 18 so I’m eligible to vote. I have never really been a person who is attentive to things regarding the government. I’m not a huge fan of politics.
Things are shifting now and as the election is coming up, I want to express my thoughts, opinions, and beliefs on where I stand on some topics.
There is no political party that is perfect or flawless. Each has made mistakes and done good things for the country.
The Republicans and Democrats have differing views on tax policy, social issues, health care, energy issues the environment, education, etc.
The two political parties have different views on social issues. “Democrats favor pro-choice and same-sex marriage while the Republicans favor pro-life and believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.
The Democrats are for limited ownership of guns and strict gun control laws while the Republicans support the right of gun ownership,” according to Enki Village.
I believe that marriage should only be between a man and a woman because I am a strong Christian. In Genesis 2:24 it says, “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” In this verse, it only mentions about a man and a woman becoming one flesh.
It does not mention anything about same-sex marriage. I am also pro-life and believe that everyone deserves a chance at life.
For guns, however, I think that there should be limited ownership of guns and strict gun control laws for the safety of the people and the country.
With limited gun control, there are lower risks of gun violence. If the government is stricter on guns, I believe that we would see many good changes.
The Republicans and Democrats both favor tax cuts but have alternate views on it. The Democrats believe that there should be higher taxes, especially for high-income earners.The Republicans believe that tax cuts should be for everyone no matter their income level according to Enki Village.
I would have to stand with the Republicans on their views on tax cuts.Raising taxes can be a bit too much especially if low-income families are struggling. The economy has been very expensive in recent years due to pandemics, inflation, consumer demand, and geopolitical events. Research says that 69% of Americans are concerned about house costs. I believe that tax cuts should be for everyone.To sum it all up, there are areas in both parties that I may and may not agree with.
I will stay neutral because both parties do not have everything that I approve of. There are flaws in both parties and both have advantages and disadvantages in many ways.
Not everyone is going to like my opinion, but I stand by them very firmly.