The structural backbone of a democracy is that of the people’s voice and vote. Elections put those who the people believe are best to govern the country into power through voting; However, that is not always enough to communicate the importance of voting to the newer and younger generations of eligible voters, especially those who freshly turned 18.
“Democracy is vital, we do not want to sacrifice any of our freedoms,” personal finance teacher Erin Ruis said.
With election day past us,it is crucial to acknowledge and recognize the importance of voting, it is not just an event but rather an intricate support of the country.
“Voting is important to our country because it affects every part of your life.”Class of 2024 alumni Luis Garcia-Alverez said. “Policies that can drastically affect things like taxes, housing and your wage will be set.”
With Voting showcasing its necessary role in democracy. It is the most important action for an of-age citizen in a democracy.
“It is a privilege and duty for every American citizen,” history teacher Ann Ronning said. “People all over the world are dying for the right to vote.”
When constricted within a bubble, people tend to forget the amount of freedom and privilege the people may have. The first step in utilizing all the rights people have, is to first recognize it.
“We cannot take voting for granted,” Ronning said. “Too many people of our own country have fought for our right to vote, why would people not exercise their right and privilege.”
Upon realizing the importance of voting, that realization must be understood by the younger generations of voters, especially now that there is such a wide spectrum of candidates and opinions.
“As a young vote, I feel like I can take matters into my own hands and help set this country going the right way,” Garcia-Alverez said. “Now more than ever young people need to realize their vote matters.”
With recent demonstrations some young Americans don’t abide by, they must use their voice.
“It is to the younger generation to participate actively in our community and nation.” Ronning said. “They are the next up-and-coming leaders.”
Within a decade or two, young adults will be the majority in the country, and cementing a value to vote and participate is vital for the country’s integrity.
“I want to vote and contribute when I am eligible,” junior Jack Agbeve said. “My vote will be as important as anyone else’s but especially due to Nebraska’s unique measures with voting districts.”
When seeing how much change is going on in the current world, the younger generations are inspired to be active and want to continue to be active in democracy and elections.
“This country will only last if the generations can think for themselves and are willing to question the status quo when there is a problem and be there to solve it,” Ronning said.
The fight to continue to protect rights and privileges falls to voters and participating members of our nation and society. Recent controversies over relinquished rulings and civil rights make voting more important than ever.
“I do advocate for others my age to vote, you are the future,” Garcia-Alverez said. “The country’s future lies in your hands, so use your power to choose someone who’ll positively affect your life.”
Every citizen and individual in our country have a right to an opinion and belief and being active and contributing to that opinion is the most important thing someone can do.