Benson JROTC Female Unarmed placed 3rd at Bellevue West Drill Meet Invite. The Varsity Unarmed placed 1st. Commander from Left to Right: Sydney Sainovich & Richard Jensen (Issaiah Pierro )Benson JROTC Varsity Color-Guard Placed 2nd at Bellevue West Drill Meet Invite. Commander: Toy Paw (Issaiah Pierro)Benson JROTC Junior Varsity Placed 1st at Bellevue West Drill Meet Invite. Commander: Scott McCormick Jr (Issaiah Pierro)Benson Armed Team performing on the Drill Floor at their Bellevue West. (Hser Htoo)Benson Junior Varsity performing onto the drill floor at Bellevue West. (Issaiah Pierro)Benson JROTC Varsity unarmed filling onto the drill floor at Bellevue West. (Hser Htoo)Benson JROTC varsity unarmed reporting to the head judge on the Drill Floor. (Hser Htoo)Benson JROTC Varsity Unarmed performing onto the drill floor. (Hser Htoo)Female unarmed reporting on the Drill floor to start their performance. (Issaiah Pierro )Junior Varsity performing on the Drill floor. (Toy Paw)Varsity unarmed ending their performance and heading out of the drill floor. (Hser Htoo)Female unarmed filling into the drill floor to start off their performance. (Nabon Gurung )Female unarmed performing on the Drill floor. (Nabon Gurung)Female unarmed performing on the Drill floor. (Nabon Gurung)Varsity 2 Color-Guard starting off their first sequence for their performance. Left to Right: Rubban Gurung, Sydney Sainovich, Toy Paw & Paw Ku Moo (Issaiah Pierro )Varsity 2 Color-Guard reporting in to the judge for their performance. Left to Right: Rubban Gurung, Sydney Sainovich, Toy Paw & Paw Ku Moo (Issaiah Pierro)Varsity 02 Color-Guard performing on the Drill floor. Left to Right: Rubban Gurung, Sydney Sainovich, Toy Paw & Paw Ku Moo (Issaiah Pierro)Varsity 1 Color-Guard getting to start off their performance. Left to Right: Richard Jensen, Toy Paw, Dale Burks & Issaiah Pierro (Hser Htoo)Varsity 1 Color-Guard performing on the Drill floor. Left to Right: Richard Jensen, Toy Paw, Dale Burks & Issaiah Pierro (Hser Htoo)Varsity 1 Color-Guard performing on the Drill floor. Left to Right: Richard Jensen, Toy Paw, Dale Burks & Issaiah Pierro (Hser Htoo)Varsity 1 Color-Guard reporting in on the Drill floor. Left to Right: Richard Jensen, Toy Paw, Dale Burks & Issaiah Pierro (Hser Htoo)Armed team filling on the Drill floor to start of their performance. (Hser Htoo)Junior varsity color-guard performing on the Drill floor. Left to Right: Aiden Lopez, Hser Htoo, Miriam Hernandez & Israel Taylor (Issaiah Pierro )Junior varsity color-guard performing on the Drill floor. Left to Right: Aiden Lopez, Hser Htoo, Miriam Hernandez & Israel Taylor (Issaiah Pierro )Junior varsity color-guard reporting in on the Drill floor. Left to Right: Aiden Lopez, Hser Htoo, Miriam Hernandez & Israel Taylor (Issaiah Pierro)Junior Varsity Unarmed reporting in on the Drill Floor to the head judge. (Issaiah Pierro)