Benson JROTC Varsity Unarmed Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC Varsity Unarmed Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC Varsity Unarmed Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC Varsity Color Guard Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC Femal Unarmed Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC Varsity Unarmed Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC Varsity Color Guard Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC Varsity Color Guard Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC Varsity Unarmed Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC Varsity Unarmed Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC armed Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC armed Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC armed Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC Female Unarmed Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC Female Unarmed Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC armed Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC armed Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC armed Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC placed 3rd in Varsity color guard, 2nd placed for Varsity Unarmed, 1st place for JV Unarmed, 1st placed for JV Color Guard, and 1st placed for Female Unarmed. Left to Right: Varsity Commander (Toy Paw), Varsity Unarmed Commander (Richard Jensen), JV Commander (Scott McCormick Jr), JV Color guard (Hser Htoo), and Female Unarmed Commander (Nang Aei Kham). (Toy Paw)JV Color guard placed 1st, Brandon Lieb awarded with best Command Sergeant Major, and Hser Htoo received best Commander for JV Color Guard. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC JV Color Guard Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. Left to Right: Aiden Lopez, Hser Htoo, Miriam, and Israel Taylor (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC JV Color Guard Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC JV Color Guard Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Dah Lay Paw (1st Place), Sydney Sainovich (2nd Place), Charles Freivogel (5th Place), and John Galloway (12th Place), received medals for placing in the top 12 Individual Drill Down (IDD). (Toy Paw)The varsity Color guard, Varsity unarmed, JV Color guard, and Female unarmed commander received the best Commander medal. Left to Right: Toy Paw, Richard Jensen, Hser Htoo and Nang Aei Kham. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC Varsity Unarmed Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC Varsity Unarmed Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC Varsity Unarmed Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC JV Color Guard Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. Left to Right: Brandon Lieb, Aiden Lopez, Hser Htoo, Miriam, and Israel Taylor (Toy Paw)Benson JROTC JV Color Guard Team Performing on the Drill floor at Central High School. Left to Right: Aiden Lopez, Hser Htoo, Miriam, and Israel Taylor