On Jan. 26, the University of Omaha Medical Center (UNMC) visited Benson for the Freshmen REACH event.
The REACH summit, standing for Research, Engage, and Advance Careers in Healthcare, was an event meant to jump-start the freshmen’s career in healthcare.
There were several booths with medical professionals in pediatrics, optometry, epidemiology and more. Students learned about the different health careers, asked questions and participated in activities.

“It brought a lot of new things into mind and made me think more about what I wanted to do in the healthcare academy,” said freshman Brandon Lieb.
REACH could do a lot more than just help students think, however.

“There was a medical professional that informed me of a learning program made for indigenous people like myself,” said Lieb. “He even gave me his information to call him if I was interested.”
The program Lieb was introduced to at the summit is called SEPA (Science Education Partnership Award). Which looks to support K-12 health related education. For students that have already determined their ideal career in health, the summit only strengthened their resolve.
“It gave me the opportunity to become more invested in the nursing field,” said Freshman Keily Cuellar. “I want to be there for the patient as their helper.”
The physical demonstrations were also a great introduction of the field of nursing to Cuellar.

“The physical tests made me realize how fun it was, as I got to try them on me and my friends,” said Cuellar.
This is the second REACH summit to be held in Benson and it can only be regarded as successful inspiration for all the freshmen pursuing fields in healthcare.