A Day In The Life of A Teen Parent
October 23, 2019
There are a lot of teen moms here at Benson High School. Some of which are in teen parenting classes. Samanda Aguirre is the mother of 10-month-old Leilani Aguirre. When she first found out about her pregnancy she was in shock, confused but happy about it. With the help of her foster mom and her sisters she still managed to be a fantastic mother.
“The hardest thing while being a mother is waking up in the middle of the night,” said Aguirre. Which is something a lot of mothers’ struggle with daily. “Even though its a struggle the most enjoyable thing about being a parent is watching Leilani grow up.”
Senior Eryca Griffin is 1-year old Ery’onna Griffins mother. She sometimes miss days of school but continues to keep track of her school work as well as keeping her grades up
“I was so scared when I found out, being so young I knew I wasn’t prepared to bring another life into this world,” said Griffin. With the help of her mom, brother and Eryonna’s father she learned the ropes of parent hood pretty fast. Eryca will continue school and take classes at College of Saint Mary.
JaNae Creighton is the mother of 5-month-old Jayce Creighton. JaNae was nervous when she first found out about her pregnancy, but she has the help of her mother to stand tall. She doesn’t have a job since their is no one to watch her baby but still manages to attend school at 7am.
“While being a parent the most enjoyable thing is seeing my son happy,” said Creighton. Many children are the light in their mothers eyes. As many has the same problem as JaNae while being a parent. “The hardest is being away from my baby boy Jayce,” said Creighton.
JaNae plans to attend Metro after graduating high school. All of these striving mothers have future plans to make a great life for their baby.