OPS requires specific medication procedures

Alisha Ghalley, Reporter

In order to keep students safe, Omaha public schools have specific medication procedures.

According to the Code of Conduct the Medication Procedures of the Omaha Public Schools prohibit administration of any medication or self-administration by a student without a written order from a licensed prescriber. No unauthorized medication (including Tylenol, cough drops, Advil, antacids, etc.) shall be administered by the school nurse or other school personnel without a written order from a licensed prescriber.

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide updated medication orders annually and as changes occur. Medication orders must be completed by a health care provider and signed by the parent/guardian.

The school has in writing a statement from a licensed prescriber which includes the student’s name, the name of the medication, dosage, frequency and time of administration, the date of the order and the discontinuation date. The statement must be signed by the legal prescriber.

“Usually comes down to students’ safety, we want to make sure we give the right medication to the right person,” school nurse Wendy Coleman said.

Effort should be made to obtain information regarding any special side effects, contraindications and adverse reactions to be observed for the individual student.

“If a student has side effect, I will give them medication like ibuprofen and shots, but if they start throwing up and it seems to be getting worser then I will send them home,” Coleman said.

The Code of Conduct also states that medication must be brought to school in the original pharmacy or manufacturer’s labeled container in such a manner as to render them safe and effective. Locked storage for medications is available in each school.

It is recommended that only one week’s supply of medication be brought to school at a time, unless otherwise indicated by the parent/guardian or physician.

At the end of the school year, medications may be returned home with the written permission of the

parent/guardian. If the medication is controlled (such as Ritalin) the parent/guardian must pick it up in person at the school. physical health of the students in the district includes Management of health conditions Emergency planning and implementation First aid and emergency care Communicable disease prevention and control Immunization and physical exam compliance Health screening compliance Connecting families to health and wellness resources Medication administration Health education.

“If a student is in an emergency, we have an emergency box here that I will use,” Coleman said.